Website Design ALZI Conference 2022




Alzheimer Indonesia is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the quality of life of people with Dementia / Alzheimer's, their families, and caregivers in Indonesia. ALZI will be hosting our 2nd National level Conference this September 2022 which will run as a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual attendees. The conference will feature webinar sessions, a mix of live and recorded parallel sessions, offline seminars & offline workshops.

This global health problem demands a comprehensive & multidisciplinary approach, from preventive public health efforts to promote risk reduction and healthy lifestyle to incorporating person-centered care in the process of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and caregiving both in facilities and at home. It is also of utmost importance to provide timely support from the time of diagnosis to prepare People with Dementia (PWD) and their caregivers so that they are able to plan for, respond to and manage the situation at home, or work with community partners for suitable care interventions.



UI/UX Designer






Hamdan Nurachid




Project Summary

Alzheimer's Indonesia will hold an event that will be held in 2022. The customer asks to make a special website which will contain important information from all event activities. This website will later be broadcast on the main subdomain domain belonging to Alzheimer's Indonesia, namely The design process for this project takes about 1 month to be completed properly. Some of the pages created on this website design are landing pages, about events, pricing tickets, and several other important pages. After understanding all the briefs from the customer, I immediately went through several stages before doing the UI design, including doing a design sprint, and also describing the needs of the website or project to be are.


Scope and responsibility:

In this project, I have a role and responsibility as a UI/UX Designer with the task of designing the Alzheimer's Indonesia website. Then translate the brief that has been validated by the customer and then pours it into a visual form or UI design so that it is easily understood by all users. The following are the pages that I created including:

  • Homepage
  • About Page
  • Programme & Speakers
  • Registration
  • Sponsor
  • Abstracts
  • FAQs
  • Design Mobile Version


Design Process

In this project, I use the Sprint design method. This stage is done by dividing the process into 5 stages, namely Empathize, Define, ideate, Prototype and finally test customer. After that, I continued by making a sitemap first, then making a wireframe or lo-fi design, and at the last stage making a UI design.





As a first step, I do a mapping of what I will create. this aims to help when carrying out the design process, then after the sitemap is complete the next step is the wireframe stage.





At the wireframing stage, the first thing I made was a wireframe for desktop mode, after I finished making the wireframe I validated the project manager to validate that all the needs of the customer had been realized. after approval, I proceed to the UI design stage.



Stages of the wireframing process are also carried out on the mobile version. by having the same function, namely as a reference when making hi-fi designs




Style Guide

To keep all the elements in the design consistent, I first created a style guide which would later become the raw elements in the design process. My style guide documentation is shown in the image below.




Mockup / UI Design

At the UI design stage, here I use the components or elements that I have defined in the style guide, and in layout, the UI design that is made refers to the wireframe that has been made previously, so that all the stages that have been made have a relationship or dependency. There are two modes or versions that have been made on wireframe, namely desktop and mobile.





At this stage all the design processes have been completed, this time I made some previews that serve as views if the website has been developed and opened on a laptop or mobile device.



You can visit the website at the address:

Lates Projects